The Extra Man (Original Score) by Klaus Badelt
Digital Album
Immediate download of 34-track album in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire. Also available at the Compact Disc format.
1. Daydream 01:40
2. Brassiere Incident 00:40
3. Fired 01:20
4. 232 E 91st St. 00:54
5. Mary 02:05
6. End of First Day 00:24
7. Wallpaper 02:19
8. Duck Girl 00:40
9. Opera Entrance 00:23
10. Dreaming of Russia 00:45
11. Lagerfeld to Gallery 00:18
12. Kiss 00:54
13. Pissing 00:57
14. Odd Henry Story 00:23
15. Toy Lion 00:35
16. Louis' Car Source 00:38
17. Gershon's Apt Pt.1 00:32
18. Gershon's Apt Pt.2 00:18
19. Gershon's Apt Pt.3 01:31
20. Driving to South Hampton 00:52
21. Russian Tea Room 00:44
22. Russian Tea Room 2 00:41
23. Vivian to Bed 01:22
24. Burglar 00:18
25. Otto Bellman Pt. 1 00:28
26. Otto Bellman Pt. 2 00:33
27. Rejection 00:21
28. Mirror, Mirror 01:14
29. Henry Returns 00:28
30. Vivian's Funeral 00:45
31. Homeless Montage 02:13
32. Louis Promotion 00:32
33. Gershon 00:35
34. Rice 01:20
released 30 July 2010
Music by Klaus Badelt
with Christopher Carmichael
Score produced & mixed by Klaus Badelt at HLC, Paris
Co-Produced by Christopher S. Brooks
Orchestrated by Christopher Carmichael
Orchestra: London Metropolitan Orchestra
Conducted by Andy Brown
Recorded at EMI Abbey Road, London by Jake Jackson
Assistant Engineer: Lewis Jones
Additional Recording at Theme Park, Santa Monica
Mandolin: Mark Anthony Yaeger
Guitars: Andrew Raiher
Bass: Christopher Carmichael
Accordion: Brendan Dwyer
Vibraphones: Raynaldo Frisbiniwitz
Drums: Max Cuzor
Music Preparation by Mark Anthony Yaeger
Executive In Charge Of Music: Robyn Klein
Score Production Manager: Malona P. Voigt and Simone de Leuw
Score Technical Advisor: Mark Anthony Yaeger
Musical Executive Production: Young Gentlemen Pictures, Inc.
Cover photo credit: © Magnolia Pictures
(p) 2010 by Young Gentlemen Pictures, Inc.
© 2010 by KB Publishing
Klaus and Christopher would like to thank: Shari Springer Berman, Bob Pulcini, Anthony Bregman, Stephanie Davis, Agnès Mentre, Jonathan Ames, Stefanie Azpiazu, Vincent Maraval, Julia Berg, John Tempereau, Joel Sill, Hervé Lécoz & HLC Paris, Robin & Isobel Carmichael, Euphonix, M-Audio, Anthony Gallo & Rob Papen.
Bob and Shari would like to thank: Skywalker Sound, Luca Borghese, Linda Cohen, Lou Reed, Ryan Murphy, Antonio Pulcini and Griselda Reynaga.
For Juliette and Lukas.
More at http://store.klausbadelt.com/album/the-extra-man-original-score
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